Deibel Laboratories follows a robust Quality Plan and are ISO 17O25 accredited.
Since 1967, Deibel Laboratories has been setting the industry standards for microbiological food safety testing. Microbiology is our core competency. We are committed to delivering excellence in quality, accuracy, and turn around time for all of your testing needs.
Below is a list of commonly requested tests and methods:
- Aerobic Plate Count
- Anaerobic Plate Count
- Bacillus cereus
- Bacterial Identification
- Beta-Lactams (antibiotics) (disk assay, or equivalent)
- Campylobacter (standard plating and rapid assays)
- Clostridium botulinum outgrowth and toxin
- Clostridium perfringens outgrowth and toxin
- Coliform counts (VRBA /MPN / membrane filter/ PetriFilm)
- E. coli counts (VRBA MUG /MPN /membrane filter/ PetriFilm)
- E. coli 0157:H7 enumeration (plating)
- E. coli 0157:H7 Qualitative (ELISA / PCR)
- E. coli 0157:H7 Confirmation
- Other Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
- Enterobacteriaceae Count
- Enterococci Count (plating / membrane filter)
- Food Poisoning Screens
- Gram Stains
- Iron Bacteria
- Lactic Acid Bacteria Count (Plating / MPN) probiotic/ Heterofermentative/ Homofermentative)
- Legionella
- Listeria spp. (FDA-BAM / USDA-FSIS / ELISA / PCR/ MPN)
- Listeria serotyping
- Microscopic evaluation
- Mold identification (species)
- Probiotic counts
- Propionibacteria
- Pseudomonas Count (Plating / membrane filter)
- Psychrotrophic Count
- Salmonella spp. (FDA-BAM / USDA-FSIS / ELISA/ PCR / MPN)
- Salmonella serotyping
- Shigella
- Spores (aerobic / anaerobic / flat sour /sulfide spoilage / rope / thermophiles)
- Staphylococcus aureus (coagulase positive / USP /thermonuclease / heat stable)
- Staphylococcus toxins (Enterotoxin /toxins A, B, C1, C2, C3 D, E)
- Thermophilic Count
- Vibrio
- Yersinia spp. (Confirmation of pathogenicity)
- Yeast identification (species)
- Yeast (including osmophiles) and Mold Count (plating/rapid methods)
Deibel Laboratories has been a leader in the science of food microbiology since 1967. Our clients have immediate and direct access to our labs and scientist for any questions about testing processes and or results. Deibel Laboratories are ISO 17025;2017 compliant and we have a dedicated Quality Assurance team to give our clients the highest confidence in the results we provide.